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How do I order a gift in the Gift shop?

There is nothing easier! First you need to go to the Gift Shop section, which is located in the sidebar.

Select the desired category and choose a gift you want to order.


  • Now click on the Cart icon, it will add the gift to your cart.

  • You can add other gifts, they will all show up in your Cart.


Then choose the lady you wish to give the gift to. To do this, click on the Select a lady button.


Tip: You can learn more about how to choose or change a recipient in this article —


In your Cart, you will need to finalize your gift order, in three steps.

  • The First Step displays general information about your order.


  • On the Second Step you can add a small Compliment
    The price of it will be added to the Total amount of your order. 

Tip: You can learn more about these Compliments in our special article —


  • And on the final Third Step, you can attach a greeting card for your lady.

You can also add an optional note for the manager processing your gift, for example, if you want to send a gift for a special date.


  • When you're done, click Checkout.


  • All your gift information will now be in the Orders section.


Here you will see the expected delivery date and information about the gift.
And after the gift is delivered, also a photo of the delivery and her comment on your gift.


Tip: You can learn more about the Order panel and delivery statuses in this article —